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Penn State

Penn State is a multi-campus public research university that educates students from Pennsylvania, the nation and the world. It improves the well-being and health of individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 724 articles

A wheelchair rugby player trains for the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games in Paris. Alex Davidson/Getty Images

When Paralympic athletes fake the extent of their disability

Parasports couldn’t exist without classifying competitors by their physical and mental limitations. But the process is far from perfect, and a handful of athletes have tried to game the system.
O envelhecimento é um processo biológico inevitável, mas há algumas maneiras de retardar o declínio físico e cognitivo associado a ele. Dimitri Otis/Stone via Getty Images

Pesquisas indicam que falhas metabólicas estão ligadas a doenças durante o envelhecimento

O direcionamento dos principais agentes que ajudam o corpo a regular o metabolismo poderia reverter a progressão de doenças, inclusive o declínio cognitivo relacionado ao Alzheimer
Clear County, Colo., had three roads using the word ‘sq—’ until May 2024, when officials renamed them. Tom Hellauer/Denver Gazette

Offensive names dot the American street map − a new app provides a way to track them

A newly released app allows users to search for discriminatory roadway names, helping communities grasp the ubiquity of inequalities embedded in everyday spaces and the harm they cause.
Sous le regard de Joe Biden et Kamala Harris (derrière Biden), le journaliste américain Evan Gershkovich s'apprête à embrasser sa mère à sa descente de l'avion qui vient de le ramener, ainsi que deux de ses concitoyens détenus en Russie jusqu'à la veille, sur le sol américain, le 1er août 2024. Andrew Harnik/Getty Images via AFP

L’échange de prisonniers entre Russes et Occidentaux : quand la diplomatie impose sa loi au droit

La loi ne régit pas les échanges de prisonniers politiques. Ces processus sont menés en secret, et décidés par les seuls gouvernements des pays concernés.
Reporter Evan Gershkovich is greeted on the tarmac by his mother, Ella Milman, as President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look on at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Aug. 2, 2024. Associated Press

7-nation prisoner swap shows how diplomacy, not law, governs exchanges

The law doesn’t govern political prisoner exchanges. These are political processes done in secret, as governments can agree to whatever deals they want to make − and reject those they don’t.
Segundo estudos recentes, alinhados com o que Darwin e Lamarck perceberam, é que a alimentação foi o principal motor da evolução do pescoço da girafa, mas com ênfase no sucesso reprodutivo feminino.

Nova pesquisa sugere que girafas fêmeas evoluíram os pescoços para comer folhas mais nutritivas

Os pescoços das girafas são um tema quente entre os biólogos. Um novo estudo contradiz uma teoria mais antiga que diz que as girafas machos precisam de pescoços longos para brigar pelas parceiras.


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