Purdue University, a top public research institution, offers higher education at its highest proven value. Committed to affordability, the university has frozen tuition and most fees at 2012-13 levels. Purdue has about 40,000 students at its West Lafayette campus and was ranked as the fourth best public university in the nation by the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings 2019. With 25 alumni who became astronauts, including the first and last person on the moon, Purdue is known as the “Cradle of Astronauts.” Committed to pursuing scientific discoveries and engineered solutions, Purdue has streamlined pathways for faculty and student innovators who have a vision for moving the world forward.
Office buildings have been left mostly empty for weeks amid the coronavirus pandemic, leaving standing water in pipes where harmful organisms can grow. What happens when those buildings reopen?
Small-scale farmers are likely to be hit hard if open-air markets close due to coronavirus fears. This could have a longer-term impact on the food supply chain.
Anthrax is best known as a bioweapon. But researchers have figured out how to tweak the deadly toxin and use it to fight cancer. So far, dogs are the first to benefit from the new therapy.
More than 20,000 American high school students have made their own guitars in school over the past decade. Many of them have wound up more into learning about STEM disciplines.
Getting in better shape is one of Americans’ top resolutions for the new year, but many people give up after six months. Here are some suggestions to make exercise enjoyable so you can stick with it.
Grief has been thought to present itself in five stages, but newer studies into how people process grief shows that, in many ways, it never ends. Grief can be especially powerful at the holidays.
A machine learning expert predicts a new balance between human and machine intelligence is on the horizon. For that to be good news, researchers need to figure out how to design algorithms that are fair.
Fictional accounts of white Southerners make it seem like it was fun to be a slave on a plantation at holiday time. Many of today’s tours repeat such stories.
In up-and-coming neighborhoods, old churches are often converted to apartments or offices. But what about the vacant or underused churches in areas that aren’t attractive to developers?
Most of us look forward to the fireworks on the Fourth of July. But did you ever wonder how the chemists create those colors that light up the night sky? Are some colors harder to create than others?
Tras bajar durante una década, el número de personas que pasan hambre vuelve a crecer. La principal causa es el cambio climático, que altera los patrones climáticos de los que depende la agricultura.
After declining for nearly a decade, the number of hungry people in the world is growing again. Climate change, which is disrupting weather patterns that farmers rely on, is a major cause.
La industria cafetera de Colombia está bajo riesgo debido a los cambios climáticos. Los agricultores tratan de adaptarse a estos, pero necesitan ayuda.
Colombia’s coffee industry is at risk due to unpredictable seasons, floods, landslides, droughts and pests. Farmers say they want to learn to adapt to these environmental changes but don’t know how.
Appointing judges to lifetime terms can be among a president’s longest lasting legacies. The overwhelming majority of Trump’s nominees are conservative, white and male.