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Roma Tre University

Roma Tre University is a Link identifier #identifier__62670-1young university thought for young people. Founded in 1992, it has rapidly grown in terms of enrolments as well as in the number of academic courses offered. It has gained a very good reputation in the most prominent academic rankings, especially among the most recently founded institutions.

Roma Tre University is organized in 12 departments offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, Postgraduate and Advanced courses, PhDs and Specialisation Schools.

A dynamic, modern and international university that has immediately characterised as the vital lever of the capital‘s urban development, within which it is now deeply rooted, contributing in changing the city’s identity with a persevering process of restructuring and re-using abandoned industrial buildings, converting them into factories of knowledge and research.

Among its founding values, Roma Tre assumes the promotion and organization of high-quality international research, the excellence in higher education as well as in the development and dissemination of knowledge, the environmental protection, the international solidarity, the principles of gender equity and the evaluation and recognition of merit.

Teaching and research, in all disciplinary areas, constantly interact and target a global world, thus promoting the upgrading and enrichment of knowledge; they combine their action with the third mission, considered both as technology transfer and as a projection of higher education activities on the territory.

The international dimension is considered a strategic aspect for the University, which adheres, among others, to the inspirational principles of the Magna Charta Universitatum and identifies itself in the principles and tools of the European Research and Higher education Area.

Roma Tre University considers sustainability one of its fundamental values. According to the GreenMetric World Universities Ranking 2016, Roma Tre University currently represents the only “green” University in Rome and Lazio.

