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SMERU Research Institute

SMERU is an independent institution for research and public policy studies which professionally and proactively provides accurate and timely information, as well as objective analysis on various socioeconomic and poverty issues considered most urgent and relevant for the people of Indonesia.

The institute has been at the forefront of the research effort to highlight the impact of government programs and policies, and has actively published and reported its research findings. The work expanded to include other areas of applied and economic research that are of fundamental importance to contemporary development issues.


Displaying 101 - 111 of 111 articles

The global economy enables a wealthy elite to accumulate vast fortunes while hundreds of millions of people struggle to survive on low wages, according to an Oxfam report. EPA/Mast Irham

Inequality is not inevitable, it’s a policy choice, says Oxfam

The rich have to be taxed more and the poor need to be paid more, according to Oxfam International head of inequality policy Max Lawson.
Kepadatan lalu lintas dari arah gerbang tol Jakarta menuju BSD, Tangerang Selatan, di jam sibuk sore. Foto diambil 2014. Rendy Diningrat

Penduduk kota ‘baru’ berjibaku ke Jakarta setiap hari: mengapa?

Penduduk kota baru—seperti BSD City, Bumi Parahyangan, Bukit Semarang Baru—setiap hari tetap menglaju ke kota induknya. Padahal kota baru dirancang agar mengurangi beban kota induknya.
Tokoh di film Laskar Pelangi, Muslimah, menginspirasi murid-muridnya. Indonesia mensyaratkan guru untuk memiliki “panggilan jiwa” untuk profesinya. Miles Films & Mizan Productions

Apakah ‘panggilan jiwa’ guru bisa memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah?

Kami mempelajari konsep “panggilan jiwa” untuk menggali apakah benar ada hubungan antara panggilan jiwa dengan mutu pengajaran.
A still from a popular movie, Rainbow Troops, depicts teacher Muslimah, a character based on a real teacher, who inspires her students. Indonesia requires teachers to have passion. Miles Films & Mizan Productions

Can passion make better teachers and cure Indonesia’s poor learning level?

Indonesia has allocated a huge percentage of education funding to improve the quality of teachers through various reforms. Yet their performance has not improved. What was missing?
Seorang perempuan memanggul kayu di punggungnya di daerah Garut, Jawa Barat pada 2 Februari 2017. Salah satu persoalan dalam pembuatan kebijakan pengentasan kemiskinan adalah ketersediaan data, termasuk data lokasi tempat orang miskin berada.

Memetakan kemiskinan tidak cukup hanya menghitung jumlah orang miskin

Penurunan kemiskinan stagnan dan menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang serius bagi pembuat kebijakan
As control over water returns to the state, the Indonesian government should carefully develop policies to manage and monitor water services. nikkytok/

What next after Jakarta ends water privatisation?

The de-privatisation of water services in Jakarta creates new challenges for the government to ensure universal access to water.
Indonesian students, already struggling in maths, reading and science, are often in the middle of conflicts between their schools and communities. AAP/Diana Plater

Indonesia must tackle conflicts between schools and communities

Indonesia’s new Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education Minister Anies Baswedan has a huge task ahead of him. Australia was alarmed when its students ranked 19th in the Organisation for Economic…


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