Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.
More Australians than ever live in rented homes, many of which get far too hot. With summers getting longer and hotter, keeping millions of people cool should be a national housing policy priority.
Embattled Optus chief Kelly Bayer Rosmarin who oversaw two network outages in the last year has resigned after admitting her company had no disaster management plan.
The Optus chief will face some tough questions about the company’s poor handling of last week’s catastrophic network outage when she appears before a Senate inquiry.
This is a problem for everyone. Research shows mental health intervention and engagement helps reduce offending among people with serious mental illness who commit offences.
« Baccilus cereus » est une bactérie commune que l’on retrouve partout dans l’environnement. Elle devient nocive lorsqu’elle s’introduit dans certains aliments cuits et mal conservés.
‘Fried rice syndrome’ refers to food poisoning from a bacterium called Bacillus Cereus, which becomes a risk when cooked food is left at room temperature for too long.
Hussein Dia, Swinburne University of Technology; Hadi Ghaderi, Swinburne University of Technology, and Tariq Munir, Swinburne University of Technology
Support for road-user charging strengthens when people are assured that revenue goes into reducing traffic congestion, maintaining transport infrastructure, improving public transport.
On pense qu’il y a plusieurs millions d’années, Saturne n’avait pas d’anneaux. À leur place, une grosse lune se déplaçait autour d’elle. Finalement, la lune a éclaté et s’est brisée en morceaux.
Research on both sides of the globe shows that unmanageable workloads is the main reason why many ambulance service staff are considering quitting the profession.
Earth’s orbits are getting more and more crowded. To keep track of everything and avoid collisions and catastrophes, we need a new field: space domain awareness.
Orang tua sering kali kepayahan dan tidak punya energi setelah seharian mengasuh anak. Hal ini dapat membuat teman yang tidak memiliki anak merasa diabaikan.
Parents often have nothing left in the tank to give after a day of parenting. So friends without kids can feel neglected without fully understanding it is not about them.