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Universitas Airlangga

Indonesian government established Airlangga University in Surabaya, East Java, as the first higher education institution in what considered to be eastern Indonesia at that time in 1954. Its vision is to become an independent, innovative, and leading university at national and international level as well as the pioneer of the development in science, technology, and humanities based on religious morality.


Displaying 121 - 123 of 123 articles

Pengepungan kantor LBH Jakarta merupakan persoalan yang sangat serius terkait dengan pelanggaran atas hak atas kebebasan berkumpul, mengemukakan pendapat dan berekspresi.

Pengepungan LBH Jakarta: akademisi merespons

Kami menghubungi beberapa akademisi untuk memberikan analisis mengenai pengepungan terhadap LBH Jakarta, Minggu 17 September 2017.
Human rights experts in Indonesia have repeatedly called for the government to stop the use of capital punishment. Reuters/Beawiharta

Why executions in Indonesia must stop

Not only does the death penalty violate human rights, executions in Indonesia are carried out under a deeply flawed justice system.


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