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University of California, Los Angeles

We doubt the critics, reject the status quo and see opportunity in dissatisfaction. Our campus, faculty and students are driven by optimism. It is not naïve; it is essential. And it has fueled every accomplishment, allowing us to redefine what’s possible, time after time.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 230 articles

Kurdish fighters in Syria say the U.S. is abandoning its allies and potentially empowering the Islamic State by withdrawing from northeastern Syria and allowing a Turkish assault, Oct. 7, 2019. AP Photo

Turkish attack on Syria endangers a remarkable democratic experiment by the Kurds

Since defending northern Syria from the Islamic State, Kurdish people have established an egalitarian society where women are equal, democracy is direct and religious freedom is guaranteed.
On Aug. 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., addresses marchers during his “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. AP/File

J. Edgar Hoover’s revenge: Information the FBI once hoped could destroy Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has been declassified

Publication was justified of information from the FBI that Martin Luther King Jr. witnessed and celebrated a woman’s rape, writes a historian, who warns the FBI had long wanted to destroy King.
How long has that water already been in the system? mike.irwin/

Water stays in the pipes longer in shrinking cities – a challenge for public health

In many municipalities, aging water infrastructure is serving fewer people than it was built to accommodate. Out of sight has meant out of mind – but resulting changes in water quality may affect safety.
Gunung Merapi di Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu gunung api paling berbahaya di Indonesia. Boy Triharjanto/EPA

Hidup dengan bencana alam–bagaimana menghadapi budaya pasrah di Indonesia

Baik sebagai respons langsung terhadap bencana atau sebagai cara utuk dapat menghadapi dampak bencana, banyak anggota masyarakat menanggapi ketidakpastian dari alam dengan sikap “lihat saja nanti”.
Mount Merapi in Central Java, one of the most active of more than 100 Indonesian volcanoes, is among the most dangerous volcanoes on earth. Boy Triharjanto/EPA

Living with natural disasters – how to change Indonesia’s culture of passive resignation

Whether in direct response to these events or as a way of coping with their consequences, many Indonesians react to the unpredictability of the natural world with a “wait and see” attitude.
Harnessing adolescents’ readiness to help can be good for them and their communities. YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/

Adolescents have a fundamental need to contribute

Teens get a bad rap as selfish, dangerous risk-takers. But neuroscience and psychology research is revising that image: Adolescents are primed to help those around them, with positive benefits for all.
Mengukur potensi penggunaan teknologi tersebut untuk penelitian perencanaan kota serta melihat tantangan yang dihadapi.

Penggunaan drone dalam penelitian perencanaan kota di Indonesia

Bagi Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan, penerapan teknologi drone sangat bermanfaat untuk pemetaan daerah.
Parents accompany their children to school on the first day back after a teachers’ strike in Los Angeles. AP Photo/Richard Vogel

Community schools score key victory in LA teachers strike

The Los Angeles teachers strike wasn’t just about teachers – it was also about community schools, according to an education scholar who serves as director of the UCLA Center for Community Schooling.
Une bonne nuit de sommeil pourrait se résumer à un endroit confortable où poser sa tête. Sarah Brown/Unsplash

Une solution simple pour améliorer le sommeil des adolescents

Pour étudier le lien entre sommeil et développement cérébral, des chercheurs ont analysé les nuits et les cerveaux d’adolescents. Un accessoire banal s’est avéré d’une grande importance : l’oreiller.
Una buena noche de sueño se reduce a tener un lugar cómodo donde apoyar la cabeza. Marisa Harris/Unsplash

Hay una solución sencilla a la falta de sueño de los jóvenes

Investigadores monitorizaron el sueño de los jóvenes así como sus cerebros. Un mejor sueño implicó un desarrollo cerebral más sano, pero sorprendió la importancia algo relacionado con donde duermen.
Scène de mœurs, dit Le rapt de la négresse, peinture signée Christiaen van Couwenbergh. [Delft, Pays-Bas], huile sur toile, 105x128 cm, 1632. Cette œuvre représentant le viol d’une femme noire choqua ses contemporains, non pas par sa violence, mais par la représentation d’une relation sexuelle interraciale, jugée déplacée à l’époque. Flickr/Christiaen van Couwenbergh (1604-1667),

« Les imaginaires sexuels coloniaux ont façonné les mentalités des sociétés occidentales »

Comment les pays esclavagistes et colonisateurs ont-ils (ré)inventé l’« Autre » pour mieux le dominer, posséder son corps comme son territoire ? Extraits du livre « Sexe, race et colonies ».


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