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University of Houston

Founded in 1927, the University of Houston is the leading public research university in the vibrant international city of Houston.

Each year, we educate more than 40,750 students in more than 300 undergraduate and graduate academic programs, on campus and online. UH awards more than 8,000 degrees annually, with more than 200,000 alumni.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 26 articles

Different African countries must come up with home grown solutions to curb misinformation or disinformation. Shutterstock

Spotting hoaxes: how young people in Africa use cues to spot misinformation online

Users do spend some time thinking about whether information is true; the decision to share it (even if it’s fake news) depends on the topic and the type of message.
Les jeunes Noirs sont peut-être moins susceptibles que les autres jeunes de partager leurs sentiments de solitude ou de dépression, ce qui pourrait expliquer le fait que le taux de suicide est plus élevé au sein de cette catégorie de la population. Motortion Films/

États-Unis : pourquoi les jeunes Noirs se suicident-ils autant ?

Les jeunes Afro-Américains courent un risque accru de mourir par suicide. Les explications tiennent largement au racisme, au harcèlement et à l’aliénation dont ils font l’objet.
Black youth may be less likely to share their thoughts of loneliness or depression than other youth, which could be a reason for higher rates of death by suicide among black youth. Motortion Films/

Black kids and suicide: Why are rates so high, and so ignored?

African American youth are at increased risk for death by suicide. An expert explains why it’s important to better understand the effects of racism, bullying and alienation on black youth.
Survivors of the dam disaster take refuge at a temporary shelter in Laos’s Attapeu province. ABC Laos News/EPA

The Laos disaster reminds us that local people are too often victims of dam development

Images of the aftermath of the Xepian-Xe Nam Noy dam collapse in Laos went around the world. But many other dam projects harm locals and the environment in less visible ways.
Hunger among college students is a growing problem. Steve Cukrov/Shutterstock

Food scholarships could help more students finish college

It’s hard to succeed in college if you’re hungry. But more than half of community college students don’t have access to affordable and healthy food. What difference can food scholarships make?


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