Located in the heart of one of the world’s great cities, the University of Illinois Chicago is the Chicago’s largest university and only public research institution. Its 16 academic colleges serve more than 33,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students. UIC is recognized as one of the most ethnically rich and culturally diverse campuses in the nation, a leader in providing access to underrepresented students. With one of the largest colleges of medicine in the nation, and colleges of dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nursing, social work, and applied health sciences, UIC is the state’s principal educator of health professionals and a major healthcare provider to underserved communities. UIC students become professionals in fields ranging from business and engineering to education, liberal arts and sciences, urban planning, and social work, as well as architecture, design and the arts. UIC is an integral part of the educational, technological, and cultural fabric of one of the world’s greatest cities.
It happens in journalism and it happens in the arts. But in Congress – where just 2% of representatives held blue-collar or service-industry jobs before entering politics – it’s rampant.
Doctors use social media for reasons ranging from the strictly professional to the highly personal: They connect with colleagues, raise awareness of social issues and educate the public on health topics.
Les utilisateurs se montrent particulièrement créatifs pour adapter leur expérience de consommation en fonction de leurs besoins. Ce qui n’est pas sans poser problème pour les entreprises…
Parsing the risk of myocarditis from viral infection versus vaccination is challenging, and researchers are intensely studying the various factors that are at play.
La gestion d’énormes quantités de débris et de déchets constitue l’un des principaux défis à relever pour les collectivités confrontées à une catastrophe naturelle.
Shang Gao, University of Illinois Chicago and Jalees Rehman, University of Illinois Chicago
Machine learning is great at finding patterns but doesn’t know what those patterns mean. Combine it with knowledge gained from genetic research and you have a powerful view into the workings of cells.
Vaccines have successfully curtailed viral diseases for decades. But as COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy shows, mistrust and misinformation continue to put lives at risk.
Scientists have developed and tested a new anti-clotting drug in mice that shows promise for treating heart attacks and stroke. It may also prove useful for COVID-19.
L’ancien chef rebelle ivoirien Guillaume Soro vient d’être condamné par un tribunal de son pays à vingt ans de prison pour corruption. La CPI pourrait également se saisir de son cas.