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University of North Carolina Wilmington


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The pyramids at Giza, like dozens of others, are located several kilometres west of the current path of the Nile. Alex Cimbal / Shutterstock

We mapped a lost branch of the Nile River – which may be the key to a longstanding mystery of the pyramids

Why build pyramids in the desert? A centuries-old puzzle may be answered by the slow wandering of the Nile.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman and Rwandan minister for foreign affairs, Vincent Biruta, sign an enhanced partnership deal in Kigali, during her visit to Rwanda in March 2023. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

‘A toxic policy with little returns’ – lessons for the UK-Rwanda deal from Australia and the US

Anthropological fieldwork into ‘outsourced’ asylum measures in Nauru and Guatemala reveal how they actually work - and don’t work - in practice.
En France, un salarié sur trois environ a été touché par le burn-out en 2021. Shutterstock

« Je suis accro au travail, mais je me soigne ! » : la pleine conscience au secours des « workaholics »

Un travail de recherche montre que la pratique de la méditation constitue un outil efficace de réduction du stress et de préservation de l’équilibre entre vie privée et vie professionnelle.
The market has been flooded with apps related to Buddhism and most of them claim to teach meditation. akiragiulia (

Meditation apps might calm you – but miss the point of Buddhist mindfulness

Buddhist meditation apps are an increasingly popular stress-reliever for people on the go. But do these apps really work? Or are they products of a lucrative industry contributing to a tech addiction?
Customers shop during at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Out of the Closet thrift store in Columbus, Ohio. Jay LaPrete/AP

How subversive artists made thrift shopping cool

Over the past 100 years, discarded and secondhand goods have been used by artists to reject mainstream aesthetics.
The threat of chemical weapon attacks is on the rise globally. Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino

Assessing the risk from Africa as Libya loses its chemical weapons

Governments often have limited knowledge of chemical production as it is the preserve of the private sector. Often these facilities are not as well secured as government facilities.
Méduses bleues. ProjectManhattan/Wikimedia

Comment des scientifiques trop pressés ont fait croire à une invasion de méduses

La « théorie de l’océan gluant » où les méduses envahiraient les mers du globe n’est pas très rigoureuse… Leçon de science.
A plague, or just an artefact? Jacob Gruythuysen

How time-poor scientists inadvertently made it seem like the world was overrun with jellyfish

How flawed citation practices can perpetuate scientific ideas even before they’ve been fully established as true.
Vladimir Poutine et Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, en 2015. Moscou va construire la centrale nucléaire de Dabaa en Égypte. RIA Novosti/Reuters

L’Afrique façonne son avenir nucléaire (avec Moscou et Pékin)

L’intérêt pour l’énergie nucléaire, soutenu par des entreprises russes et chinoises, va grandissant sur le continent africain malgré les inquiétudes des spécialistes concernant la sécurité.
O brother, where art thou? bensonkua

Family doesn’t guarantee anything, if you are a sea creature

The often remade song “He Ain’t Heavy… He’s My Brother” probably owes a good deal of its enduring popularity to its depiction of the loving familial bond between two siblings - one aiding the other despite…


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