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University of Otago

Established in 1869 with great vision and foresight from Dunedin’s early settlers, the University of Otago is New Zealand’s oldest university. Today, the university has around 20,000 students, employs more than 3,800 staff, and is a significant educational, economic and cultural force. It has over 150,000 former students and enjoys a prestigious global reputation for outstanding research and scholarship.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 321 articles

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Vital green spaces are disappearing in NZ cities – what can central and local government do?

It’s not enough to have parks in city outskirts or urban green belts. Green spaces must be accessible for residents and placed to provide effective flood protection for cities.
On a longtemps cru que les courants océaniques empêchaient les débris et déchets marins de dériver jusqu'en Antarctique, jusqu'à découvrir le contraire grâce à des travaux de modélisation. Thomas J Mitchell/Shutterstock

L’Antarctique sera-t-il bientôt peuplé d’espèces exotiques à cause de nos déchets ?

Des débris et déchets marins menacent le littoral isolé de l'Antarctique et ses écosystèmes marins uniques. Car sur ces déchets peuvent se greffer des espèces étrangères à l'Antarctique.
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NZ already spends less on health than Australia or Canada – we need proper funding, not ‘crisis’ management

New Zealand is not unique – health systems in most high-income countries are under stress. But that’s no reason to question the viability of the publicly-funded system in general.
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Cancer diagnosis can be devastating, but for some it gives permission to live more radically

A recent study of people diagnosed with cancer shows how the negatives can be balanced by positive life changes – even a rediscovery of joy and opportunity.


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