Established in 1869 with great vision and foresight from Dunedin’s early settlers, the University of Otago is New Zealand’s oldest university. Today, the university has around 20,000 students, employs more than 3,800 staff, and is a significant educational, economic and cultural force. It has over 150,000 former students and enjoys a prestigious global reputation for outstanding research and scholarship.
It’s not enough to have parks in city outskirts or urban green belts. Green spaces must be accessible for residents and placed to provide effective flood protection for cities.
Large companies in New Zealand are increasingly being pushed to report their carbon emissions. But without a clear framework, businesses have been able to fudge (or hide) their results.
The health benefits of shifting to a low-carbon transport system could be greater than those achieved by anti-smoking policies, according to a major new study released today.
Parents are regularly told to limit their children’s screen time during the evening. But new research suggests it is using digital devices while in bed that is the bigger problem.
The discovery of the Manawatāwhi pāua, unique to the Three Kings Islands, highlights the need to build taxonomic expertise to speed up work to describe thousands of as-yet unnamed species.
Des débris et déchets marins menacent le littoral isolé de l'Antarctique et ses écosystèmes marins uniques. Car sur ces déchets peuvent se greffer des espèces étrangères à l'Antarctique.
The benefits of leafy mistletoes for wintering arthropods include shelter from extreme weather and hungry birds as well as a more humid microclimate to avoid desiccation.
New research shows how marine debris from continents across the southern hemisphere threatens Antarctica’s remote coastline and unique marine ecosystems. Foreign organisms might be hitching a ride.
Business growth and cutting emissions don’t always go hand in hand. Airlines and other companies may need to rethink their business models to achieve a low-carbon transition.
New Zealand is not unique – health systems in most high-income countries are under stress. But that’s no reason to question the viability of the publicly-funded system in general.
A recent study of people diagnosed with cancer shows how the negatives can be balanced by positive life changes – even a rediscovery of joy and opportunity.
Founder and driving force of the brilliant and influential Dunedin band The Chills, Martin Phillipps defined a sense of time and place in New Zealand’s southernmost city.
Alex Beattie, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington and John Kerr, University of Otago
A new study reveals just how digitally dependent most New Zealanders are now. Disconnecting requires conscious effort – and it could even cost you money.
New research shows three minute exercise sessions while relaxing at night can increase sleep times by as much as 30 minutes – challenging common advice about avoiding activity before bed.