The University of Tübingen is a public research university located in the city of Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg. It is one of Germany’s most famous and oldest universities, internationally noted in medicine, natural sciences, and the humanities. In the area of German Studies it has been ranked first among all German universities for many years, and is world renown as a centre for the study of theology and religion.
Tübingen is one of five classical “university towns” in Germany; the other four being Marburg, Göttingen, Freiburg and Heidelberg. The university is associated with some Nobel laureates, especially in the fields of medicine and chemistry.
If Africa built only all the renewable power plants it has already planned, this would be enough to generate 76% of all electricity needed on the continent by 2040.
Los “humanos” anatómicamente modernos se cruzaron con los denisovanos en su travesía tras salir de África. Este hecho hizo que, muy probablemente, poseamos en nuestro material genético restos tanto de neandertales como de denisovanos.
The first ancient human DNA from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi — and the wider Wallacea islands group — sheds light on the early human history of the region.
The myth of a monstrous giant squid prowling the oceans has persisted for centuries but scientists have been able to reveal the truth behind the stories.