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University of Tübingen

The University of Tübingen is a public research university located in the city of Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg. It is one of Germany’s most famous and oldest universities, internationally noted in medicine, natural sciences, and the humanities. In the area of German Studies it has been ranked first among all German universities for many years, and is world renown as a centre for the study of theology and religion.

Tübingen is one of five classical “university towns” in Germany; the other four being Marburg, Göttingen, Freiburg and Heidelberg. The university is associated with some Nobel laureates, especially in the fields of medicine and chemistry.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 articles

Reconstrucción del aspecto de una joven denisovana a partir de análisis del ADN de restos de este homínido. Maayan Harel

Los humanos modernos también llevamos ADN denisovano, un homínido arcaico que ocupó Siberia

Los “humanos” anatómicamente modernos se cruzaron con los denisovanos en su travesía tras salir de África. Este hecho hizo que, muy probablemente, poseamos en nuestro material genético restos tanto de neandertales como de denisovanos.
Tellurium pieces. Jan Askeit / Wikimedia

How metal-munching microbes help the rare, toxic element tellurium circulate in the environment

Tellurium is a critical mineral for renewable energy – but little is known about its environmental effects and how it circulates in the wild.
Stone arrowheads (Maros points) and other flaked stone implements from the Toalean culture of South Sulawesi. Shahna Britton/Andrew Thomson

Who were the Toaleans? Ancient woman’s DNA provides first evidence for the origin of a mysterious lost culture

The first ancient human DNA from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi — and the wider Wallacea islands group — sheds light on the early human history of the region.


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