The University of Virginia is an iconic public institution of higher education, boasting nationally ranked schools and programs, a proud history as a renowned research university and leaders who are well-prepared to help shape the future of the nation and the world.
In 1819, Thomas Jefferson founded UVA and inaugurated a bold experiment – a public university designed to advance human knowledge, educate leaders and cultivate an informed citizenry. Two centuries later, Jefferson’s vision thrives. Across Grounds - and throughout the world - UVA students, faculty, staff and alumni challenge convention, break barriers and pursue the greater good.
As Congress considers further financial help for victims of the coronavirus pandemic, the magnitude of the fiscal crisis that governors and their states will have to face is just starting to emerge.
Federal government officials are on television almost every day responding to the coronavirus pandemic. But it’s the nation’s governors who are taking aggressive action in the states.
A global pandemic is anxiety-provoking for most people. But modifying the way you perceive the situation can set you up to deal with it more effectively.
Jim Lehrer moderated 12 presidential debates between 1988 and 2012. His lessons on how to run a debate should be studied by today’s moderators, writes a former presidential speechwriter.
A growing chorus of people say the US has never been so politically divided. A Civil War historian reminds readers that there was once a far more divided time.
France agreed to postpone implementing its law to tax US technology giants as negotiators from nearly 140 countries seek agreement on reforms to the international tax system.
The coronavirus that has sickened hundreds in Wuhan, China, has worried health officials and other humans across the globe. Should people in the US worry?
An expert on Watergate says that today’s House Republicans have taken precisely the opposite position than the GOP took in 1974 on the president’s power to withhold documents from Congress.
Research into public health benefits of integrating nature into cities has focused on green spaces. New studies suggest water features are just as useful and can piggyback on other infrastructure goals.
Pada Agustus 2019, pemerintah meluncurkan Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) sebagai bank data tingkat nasional yang mengumpulkan data primer penelitian. Apa saja manfaat maupun tantangannya?
The govt recently launched the National Scientific Repository (RIN) to become a national-level data bank that aggregates research data from various sources. What are the benefits and challenges?
President Trump solicited foreign help for his presidential campaign. So did presidential candidate Richard Nixon. The difference, writes scholar Ken Hughes, is that Nixon was more skilled at it.