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Villanova School of Law

Since its founding in 1953 as part of Villanova University, Villanova Law has educated more than 10,000 lawyers who have taken their place in the profession. You will find them on the benches in federal and state court houses; as members of state and federal legislatures and in high government office (the former governor of Pennsylvania is a VLS grad); leading corporations, major law firms and public interest agencies; teaching and writing; and practicing at the very highest levels. Learn more about our history.

Villanova is at once modern, yet rooted in tradition.


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A bitter inversion: AbbVie nixed its US$54 billion acquisition of Irish drug maker Shire after the US Treasury eroded the benefits of doing a corporate inversion. Reuters

Need to access cash is driving surge of corporate inversions, not the high US tax rate

Corporate inversions have been front page news in the US for months with everyone from President Barack Obama to the man on the street expressing a view as their usage has surged. Unfortunately, many of…


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