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From the Editors

Last chance tickets: see Michelle Grattan tonight in Melbourne

Join us in Melbourne.

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Australia, it’s on! Now that the 2019 election has been called, we’re offering you a chance to hear from one of the national’s most respected political reporters live at FedSquare. Due to a some last minute cancellations, we have a few tickets left to our special pre-election event with Michelle Grattan.

Michelle Grattan has been a member of the Canberra parliamentary press gallery for more than 40 years, during which time she has covered all the most significant stories in Australian politics.

Where: Deakin Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne

When: Tonight, Wednesday, April 24 2019

Tickets here

We will also launch our latest book, Advancing Australia: Ideas for a Better Country. Purchase a copy of the book with your ticket for collection on the night.

The Conversation is a non-profit and relies on reader donations to produce independent journalism. If you would like to make a voluntary donation, please do so when purchasing a ticket.

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