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Articles on Australian politics

Displaying 1 - 20 of 510 articles

Noel Pearson speaks during a visit to Addi Road Food Pantry during an event in support of a Yes vote for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Friday essay: how an unholy alliance of the separatist left and reactionary right rejected the Voice’s ‘sensible middle way’

Shireen Morris worked for 12 years, with Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson, to achieve Indigenous constitutional recognition, building on decades of Indigenous advocacy. What happened?
Activists ‘pash on’ in Taylor’s Square, Sydney, in 1995 to protest against discriminatory laws. C.Moore Hardy/City of Sydney Archives

Friday essay: public ‘pash ons’ and angry dads – personal politics started with consciousness-raising feminists. Now, everyone’s doing it

Personal activism has achieved major legislative change, such as no-fault divorce and the decriminalisation of homosexuality and abortion. But it’s also used by groups who want to reverse that change.
Opposition Leader, Foreign Minister, Governor-General, and defender of the constitutional status quo: Bill Hayden had a significant public career. Dave Hunt/AAP

Bill Hayden’s remarkable contribution to public life

Former Labor Leader and Governor-General Bill Hayden has died aged 85. Hayden is remembered for his role in establishing Medibank (later Medicare) and for leading Labor’s recovery after 1975.

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