Grace Sarra, Queensland University of Technology and Marnee Shay, The University of Queensland
The latest Closing the Gap data contains some good news – there is a marked increase in early childhood enrolments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
Developmental language disorder affects more than seven per cent of children, yet is not well known. If your child struggles in school, social interactions or reading, the underlying issue may be DLD.
Early STEM skills are as important as early literacy skills. Parents can help their preschoolers develop STEM skills by working these simple techniques into everyday activities.
For decades, parents have fretted over ‘screen time,’ limiting the hours their children spend looking at a screen. But as times change, so does media… and how parents should (or shouldn’t) regulate it.
For young children, how we speak is often more important than what we say. Even ‘positive’ generalizations can lead children to adopt negative stereotypes.
The report focus on the government’s own policies fails to acknowledge genuine differences of opinion on key issues such as constitutional recognition and income management.
Two years of high-quality preschool is one of the most effective strategies we have to change the trajectories of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Patricia Kitsao-Wekulo, African Population and Health Research Center and Njora Hungi, African Population and Health Research Center
Early childhood education services have proliferated in the public and private sectors. But many children who attend these preschool centres do not receive quality services.
Government funding of childcare is seen as something that helps get mums back into work, instead of setting children up for learning before they start school.