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Articles on Gender equality

Displaying 541 - 557 of 557 articles

Policies of austerity are a fundamental burden on low-income earning women in the UK. Image from

Women are paying the price for economic austerity

Since 2010, many European governments have adopted austerity policies in an attempt to reduce the budget deficits and increases in government borrowing that were caused by the 2007/8 financial crisis…
Most Australian newsrooms have a blokey culture argues Louise North. Andy Piper

Blokey culture means sexism still rife in Australian newsrooms

Australia’s media sector refuses to acknowledge there is a sexism in newsrooms, despite female journalists experiencing sexual harassment at a rate more than twice that of the general workforce, says Monash…
The Human Rights Commission has recommended gender diversity targets to increase female representation in the Australian Defence Force. AAP

Human Rights Commission recommends quotas to encourage women in defence

Gender diversity targets are required to ensure women have the same opportunities as men in the Australian Defence Force, argues Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who today released…
We need to take a better look at the role women can play in the Millenium Devlopment Goals. AAP/EPA/Harish Tyagi

Challenge 11: How improving women’s status helps us all

In part 11 of the multi-disciplinary Millennium Project series, Danielle Logue and Mel Dunn note the striking absence of male voices in discussions of women’s empowerment, despite it being fundamental…
Having more women in parliament might bring broad benefits. AAP

Want a strong economy? Elect more women

Gender equality and female empowerment are development buzz words with bite. And with good reason. Researchers have shown gender inequality in education reduces economic growth and women are typically…
The health and finance sectors have the largest gender wage gaps, of more than 30%. Jerry Bunkers

Time is running out to close the gender wage gap

Equal pay was, and still is, one of the key demands of feminists. Basic to any idea of gender equity should be that paid work is fairly rewarded, whether it’s undertaken by a male or female. In early Australian…
Westpac chief Gail Kelly was the first female CEO of a major Australian bank or top 15 company. AAP/Dean Lewins

Make gender targets a job measure for managers

Australian businesses should set managers “challenging gender targets” and hold them accountable for the proportion of women in their work units, say the authors of a three-year study into gender equality…
Jose Maria Vasconcelos (or Taur Matan Ruak) is the new president of East Timor, but will he do more for the women in his country? AAP/Antonio Dasiparu

East Timor: new President, same problems for women

The recent election of José Maria de Vasconcelos, or Taur Matan Ruak as he is known, to the Presidency of Timor-Leste is not good news for women in that country. Adding yet another member of the male military…
Julia Gillard’s recent leadership battle provides a lesson for all executive women. AAP

How the gender balance increases the company bottom line

Today is the 101st anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day celebrated around the world to mark the legal, political, social and economic achievements of women. The change in corporate governance…
Carla Bruni’s daughter Giulia will never officially be known as a mademoiselle after the French government changed its policy. EPA/Thibault Camus

Ms, Miss, Mademoiselle … why titles for women matter

Alongside sketchy rationales like postponing the whole rat race thing, a pivotal reason that I got my PhD was to avoid the Miss/Ms conundrum. As first world a problem as is imaginable, but it plagued me…
Australian Service Union branch secretary Sally McManus is showered in streamers after Fair Work Australia awarded community workers a landmark pay rise. AAP

The reality of the gender wage gap

As long as people see the gender wage gap as normal, society has a problem. This view is illustrated in a comment by Jeremy Sammut on a Centre for Independent Studies email newsletter: “Forget that the…
There is an entire history of excuses given for why women shouldn’t be given roles in the military. Australian War Memorial Collection

Women in Australia’s military: On the frontline of the gender war

The recent plan to see women take on frontline combat roles in the Australian military from 2016 removes one of the last formal barriers to women’s participation in all realms of work. Unsurprisingly…
Saudi women are still segregated from men in many walks of life, but next year they will get the right to vote. AFP/Fayez Nureldine

Vote now on a socially inclusive Saudi Arabia as women get to cast their ballot

While Saudi women celebrate their hard-earned right to vote in next year’s Municipal Council elections, the frenzy of international media interest highlights just how mysterious this country remains. Women…
Promoting men’s care responsibilities to be equal to that of women might be quite a challenge. Chris. P

What could gender equity goals for men’s well being look like?

Achieving equity between men and women requires keeping track of important markers of difference between the genders. While the focus has traditionally been on areas where women are most disadvantaged…

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