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Articles on Nightlife

Displaying 21 - 34 of 34 articles

In one regard, lockout laws have succeeded in decreasing crime. But take a step back to see a city-wide perspective, and there are many other issues to consider. shutterstock

Where are they now? What public transport data reveal about lockout laws and nightlife patronage

Policy changes such as the ‘lockout laws’ have had profound impacts on inner Sydney nightlife. Transport data help us see whether these have caused problems to spill over into neighbouring areas.
Chilean-German DJ Matias Aguayo performing at Kitchener’s Bar in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Charles Leonard

Jo'burg by night: A time for dreamers, graffiti artists, lovers and dancers

Scholars of urban studies are acknowledging that the discipline is characterised by a fear of the dark and the night. But artists are giving us a creative language to engage with the darkness.
The critical issues underlying the debate about Sydney’s nightlife include worsening inequality and who is getting left behind. AAP/Richard Ashen

Beyond lockouts: Sydney needs to become a more inclusive city

Without the public mobilising over inequalities that are so ingrained in its psyche, Sydney is unlikely to see its nightlife reflect true social inclusion and diversity.

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