It can be easy to mistake feelings like fear and anger as hate. When biases are acted out in harmful ways, however, speaking up can help stop hate from getting worse.
In recent years, the relationship between antisemitism and anti-Zionism has taken on renewed importance and competing definitions of antisemitism have emerged. What is antisemitism?
Hate is for the haters. Much of the thrill of posting toxic messages can come from the attention and social approval a poster gets from like-minded people.
People who object to affirmative action were more likely to discriminate against job candidates with Black-sounding names than those who supported it, whether or not they had to rush.
In order to combat racism and misinformation, it is vital for non-Indigenous people to have informed conversations about the referendum with those around you.
Though some LGBTQ+ health care providers may try to separate their personal and professional identities, the prejudice they experience highlights their queerness in the clinic.
A new study has looked at more than 15,000 people across 21 countries to assess whether vaccinated and unvaccinated people discriminate against each other.
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Applied Science, Director, University of Bath and AWP NHS Trust Centre for Specialist Psychological Treatments of Anxiety and Related Problems (CSPTARP), University of Bath