Developing countries face greater risks raising money to deal with the pandemic. Zambia is now on the verge of being the first ‘COVID default’ and other developing countries could follow suit.
The global economy is currently experiencing its severest contraction since the 1930s. While capitalism will survive, its fundamental structure can change at critical historical junctures.
The alarm being raised by multilateral financial institutions about rising government debt across Africa is exaggerated. The real problem is that African governments pay way over the odds for debt.
Richard Carney, China Europe International Business School
Almost one-third of countries around the world are authoritarian regimes with the trappings of democracy. Their bad behavior poses a threat to real democracies, as the United States recently learned.
South Africa has narrowly escaped a downgrade of the rating of its sovereign bonds, but government has its work cut out as it seeks to restore investor confidence and lift economic growth.
Credit rating agencies have come in for a lot of flack. But the bottom line is that to attract investors with deep pockets countries can’t avoid having a credit rating. And a good one at that.
Helen Westerman, The Conversation and Sunanda Creagh, The Conversation
A new IMF report predicts a crackdown on cheap credit in China will help reduce China’s real GDP growth rate from 7.4% last year to 6.8% this year and further weaken demand for Australian commodities.
Decades ago, before Yanis Varoufakis became the rock-star finance minister of Greece, he and I developed some game-theoretic models of macroeconomics. The gist of the work was this: for monetary authorities…
The same deep forces that were behind the election result in Queensland are being played out in Canberra. The Australian people want, although most won’t admit it, higher taxes – either now or in the future…
Since 2009, the economic situation of Greece has helped expose the architecture and policy regime problems of the European Union and the eurozone. On Sunday the Greek electorate rebelled against the self-defeating…