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Articles on Video gaming

Displaying 1 - 20 of 24 articles

Many of today’s disabled esports players, like Rocky “RockyNoHands” Stoutenburgh, use mouth controllers, which were first used in gaming over 40 years ago. Rocky "RockyNoHands" Stoutenburgh

How people with disabilities got game − the surprisingly long history of access to arcade and video sports

A pioneering effort that allowed a teenager with a neck injury to play pinball sheds light on today’s vibrant community of esports players with disabilities.
Interviews with mothers about children’s media use during pandemic lockdowns revealed struggles with practical and moral questions about short- and long-term effects of how children are using technology. (Shutterstock)

Never-ending pressure’: Mothers need support managing kids’ technology use

Policymakers, tech companies and schools should all be part of conversations about how our society is responsible for the new realities of tech in the home after COVID-19 lockdowns.
Atari and Centipede games unearthed from a 2014 excavation of a New Mexico landfill. taylorhatmaker/flickr

Innovative products lead to a boom in imitation and often a bust - just look at Atari and Bitcoin

Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Maybe. When good ideas prosper, so do replicas, diluting the power of original thinking.

Gamers know the power of ‘flow’ — what if learners could harness it too?

Video gaming is often seen as a distraction for students. So the challenge is to distract students back towards learning – and video games provide the perfect model.

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