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Abdelbaqi Ghorab

PhD Candidate, Department of Languages and Cultures, Lancaster University

PhD Candidate at Lancaster University's Department of Languages and Cultures. I research Algerian and South African nationalism and literature. I did my BA and MA at the University of M'sila, Algeria.

Thesis Title
Demythologizing National Identity: the Postcolonial Literary Interrogation of Nation in Algeria and South Africa

Research Overview
My research is focused on the interplay between National Identity as a flawed form of an image of totality and Nation as an imaginary artefact. Arguing for Literature as an indispensable means of examining the phenomena in an Algerian and South African context, my work is of a comparative approach. I aim at exploring the process of identification through key historical points in the development of the Algerian and South African Nations.


  • –present
    PhD Student , Lancaster University


    University of M'sila , Algeria, Masters in English Language, Literature and Civilization