I obtained my bachelor degree of biomedical sciences in the University of Hong Kong in 2016. I started my master right away and fast-tracked to obtain my PhD in neuroscience in 2021, during which I got involved in 6 publications, in 2 of which I am the first-listed author. I received extensive training in the cutting-edge theory about neurodevelopment, cognition, memory formation and neurological diseases. From 2022 until now, I am a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University, where I continue contributing to solving the questions regarding the nervous system in its health and also diseases. I have had profound experience in experimental neuroscience, especially with transgenic rodent models and non-human primate models, as shown in my previous publications. My research covers the finest scale of molecular biology to the holistic scale such as animal behaviours. I have been successful in discovering mechanisms which control memory formation in animals with state-of-the-art in vivo imaging techniques and will continue contributing to understanding the code our brain utilises to process complex information in our everyday reality.