I am an Associate professor in the département des sciences biologiques at UQAM. I completed my BSc at the University of Guelph in 1997. My MSc in limnology was completed in 2001 at the University of Alberta where my research focused on genetic and community diversity of zooplankton in northern saline lake ecosystems in Wood Buffalo National Park (Alberta / Northwest Territories). I worked as an environmental consultant with Golder & Associates (Edmonton, AB) and as a freshwater scientist with the Ontario Ministry of Environment Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch (Rexdale, ON) before continuing with graduate studies. My PhD was completed at Queen’s University in 2007 where I studied eco-evolutionary responses in zooplankton to lake acidification recovery in boreal lakes. I then moved to McGill University as a NSERC postdoctoral fellow, where I studied adaptive plasticity to environmental gradients and invasion in the St. Lawrence River. Since 2011, I have been a professor at UQAM where my research program is based in aquatic ecosystems spanning Canada, and focuses on eco-evolutionary questions related to natural spatial environmental variation, anthropogenic stressors, and ecosystem recovery.