I am a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, conducting research into various energy-related topics, including industrial decarbonisation, energy storage, CCS pipelines, and electric vehicles.
I obtained a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nottingham in 2007, and subsequently studied for a PhD at Nottingham under the supervision of Prof. Seamus Garvey. Entitled 'Analysis of Flexible Fabric Structures', my PhD looked at the design and analysis of Energy Bags, large bags anchored to the seabed and used for underwater compressed air energy storage (UWCAES).
I subsequently carried out postdoctoral research on a number of topics, including adiabatic CAES, several hybrid energy storage systems involving compressed air, and floating offshore wind turbines, before leaving Nottingham for the University of Leeds in November 2015.
At Leeds I have conducted techno-economic analysis on several research projects, including the C-MADEnS project (http://www.c-madens.org) that looked at the role and value of distributed energy storage, and the CREDS project 'Decarbonising the UK steel industry'.