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Angélique Chassy

Docteure en Sciences Economiques - EM-Normandie - Business School - Enseignante-Chercheure, EM Normandie

Angélique Chassy, Ph.D. in Economics (University of Rouen). She is research teacher within the EM Normandie Business School, METIS since 2019 (permanent teacher), France. Her researches concern public management, economic impact assessment, willingness to pay, multi-level governance, public good, public decision-making, cost and benefit analysis, public policy, social policies, citizen participation. The central theme of research is the junction of the public economy and the participation of civil society. Specifically, I am working on the implementation of methods of economic evaluation and public consultation aimed at developing the management of multi-level and multi-partnership public decision-making. He mainly teaches applied descriptive statistics, international marketing, internationalization, economic intelligence, project analysis and editing, incubators and business plan, multi-level governance, public management, citizen participation.


  • –present
    Consultation Citoyenne dans l'évaluation économique des Politiques Publiques , École de Management de Normandie – UGEI


  • 2014 
    Ecole de Management de Normandie , Sciences Economiques