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Associate Professor and Reader in Evolutionary Genetics, University of Nottingham

In my research, I use snails to understand evolutionary and developmental genetics. New DNA sequencing techniques are enabling us to do what was not possible only a few years ago.

In a recent breakthrough, we showed that variation in a cell-scaffolding protein is linked to symmetry-breaking in the pond snail, creating either right- or left-coiling snails. Subsequent efforts to further develop the research ended up in a world-wide quest to find a mate for a very rare left-coiling snail, which we called "Jeremy". This helped communicate my science, and also led, on a winding path, to a British Science Association media fellowship at the BBC in 2018.


  • 2013–present
    Associate Professor in Evolutionary Genetics, University of Nottingham
  • 2005–2013
    Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham
  • 2001–2005
    Royal Society and Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh and Tohoku University