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Anna Kristina Hultgren

Senior Lecturer in English Language and Applied Linguistics, The Open University

Dr. Anna Kristina Hultgren (DPhil Oxon, MA Copenhagen) is a Senior Lecturer in English Language and Applied Linguistics at The Open University. She was educated at the Universities of Oxford and Copenhagen, with visiting periods at Trinity College, Dublin, and the University of Quebec. Before taking up her current post at The Open University, she worked at universities in Denmark and the UK, and in the international speech technology industry. Kristina's research seeks to understand the intersection of language and globalization and to impact on policies and practices in educational and professional domains, such as call centres and higher education.


  • 2017–present
    Senior Lecturer in English Language and Applied Linguistics, The Open University
  • 2013–2017
    Lecturer in English Language and Applied Linguisics, The Open University