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Professor, Constitutional Law and Peace-building, Department of Pacific Affairs, The Australian National University, Australian National University

Anthony Regan is a constitutional lawyer who specialises in constitutional development as part of conflict prevention and resolution. He has lived and worked in Papua New Guinea for 15 years and in Uganda for over three years. In PNG, he advised the government on decentralisation policy and law; taught at the UPNG Law Faculty and was involved in the Bougainville peace process. In Uganda, he was a constitutional adviser to the Government of Uganda. He has been an adviser to Bougainville parties in the Bougainville peace process since 1994; has been involved in the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Ogaden (Ethiopia), and Naga (NE India) peace processes, and the post-conflict constitution-making processes in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Bougainville, East Timor.

Career highlights include: Senior Fello, United States Institute of Peace (2005); government legal adviser, Papua New Guinea (1981-85); Senior Fellow, PNG Institute of Applied Social & Economic Research (1985-89); Senior Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Papua New Guinea (1989-96); full-time constitutional adviser to Government of Uganda (1991-94); engagement as adviser to the Bougainville parties in the Bougainville peace process, 1994 to the present)


  • –present
    Fellow, State, Society & Governance in Melanesia Program (SSGM), Australian National University