Founder of EDU Globe for research and training, Badre is a social sciences’ scholar and Fulbrighter, with a strong research interest in Policy Development in the fields of Higher Education and Professional Leadership of three social groups (Migrants; youth; and women), especially within Africa and the EU-Southern Mediterranean cooperation. He has got a MA in international Relation and Diplomacy (Berlin 2014); an MBA in Human Resources Management (Audit - New York 2007); an MA in Education Pedagogies (Rabat 2006); and an MA in Cultural Studies (Fez 2005). After completing his PhD, Badre completed a Carnegie postdoctoral fellowship, at the University of North Carolina-Chapel, Hill in the USA in 2014; a visiting post-doc fellowship at the United Nations University of Barcelona in 2015; and a post-doc with the ACSS (2017-2018). Professionally, Badre is permanent professor at Mohammed V University of Rabat. Prior to that, he was a visiting professor at various international universities including NewYork, California, North Carolina (USA) as well as Denmark, Germany and Romania. He has spoken in over 400 international conferences and trainings. Among his published books are, ‘International Negotiations for Economic Diplomacy’ and ‘La Participation Citoyenne’.
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