Professor Beate Kampmann is the Director of The Vaccine Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She trained as a clinician-scientist in Paediatric Infectious Diseases in Germany, UK, France, USA and South Africa.
Beate holds a Chair in Paediatric Infection & Immunity and was appointed as the Scientific Director (Theme Leader) for Vaccinology research at the MRC Unit The Gambia in July 2010.
She directs a comprehensive childhood infection research program both in the UK and sub-saharan Africa with a focus on new vaccines, early immune development, vaccination during pregnancy and childhood tuberculosis .
She is the director of IMPRINT- the IMmunising PRegnant women and INfants network, one of the 5 MRC-funded networks for vaccines (
The aim of Beate's research is to link scientific discoveries in the laboratory to the delivery of evidence-based care for children in the UK and Africa.