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Lecturer in Afrikaans Literature and Literary Theory, University of Pretoria

In my dissertation I compared Afrikaans- and English-novels set in South African urban spaces, using Bertrand Westphal's theory around "geocriticism". Westphal argues that comparing different texts centred on the same space can allow for an exploration of the complexity of that space.

My research interests include: urban theory, gender theory, comparative literature, South African literature and ecocriticism.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Afrikaans Literature and Literary Theory, University of Pretoria


  • 2016 
    Stellenbosch University, PhD / Comparative Literature


  • 2018
    Journal of Literary Studies 34(1), Kleinboer as Johannesburgse flaneur, met spesifieke verwysing na Werfsonde
  • 2015
    Stilet xxvii(i), Vroulike muses en die kombuis as ondermynende ruimte in Louoond (1987) deur Jeanne Goosen
  • 2014
    LitNet Akademies 11(3), Die problematiek en potensiaal van die huishoudelike ruimte in Klaaglied vir Koos (1984) deur Lettie Viljoen

Grants and Contracts

  • 2019
    African Humanities Program
    Funding Source:
    American Council of Learned Societies