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Associate Clinical Professor and Director, Humanitarian Assistance Program, University of Denver

Chen Reis is a Clinical Associate Professor and the Director of the Humanitarian Assistance program, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Prior to joining Korbel in Fall of 2011 she was a Technical Officer focusing on a range of humanitarian policy and practice issues at the World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland (2004-2011). From 2001-2004 she was a Senior Research Associate with Physicians for Human Rights USA. She is the author of numerous articles, reports and book chapters. Dr. Reis is an internationally recognized expert on issues related to sexual violence in humanitarian crises, and has advised governments and organizations on responses to gender-based violence.


  • –present
    Associate Clinical Professor and Director, Humanitarian Assistance Program, University of Denver


  • 2018 
    UNSW, PhD, social sciences