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Senior Lecturer, Lund University

Daniel Nilsson is Senior Lecturer at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering ( at Lund University, Sweden. His area of expertise is Human Behaviour in Fire, and his research is mainly focused on the interaction between people and evacuation systems, e.g., way-finding systems and fire alarms. In his PhD thesis, Daniel examined how people’s choice of exit can be influenced by different visual way-finding systems. These types of systems can potentially be used to optimise evacuation by helping people to find the most appropriate way out, e.g., away from danger zones/fire. After defending his PhD in 2009, Daniel has continued his research on the interaction between people and evacuation systems. Recent studies have involved evaluation of both visual and auditory way-finding systems in smoke filled tunnels, as well as studies on the design of fire alarms and way-finding systems in high-rise buildings. In 2013, Daniel was appointed as Reader in Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University for his research in the area of Human Behaviour in Fire. Daniel is the author of several scientific publications (see, one of which is chapter in the 5th edition of the SFPE handbook written together with Rita Fahy, NFPA.