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Professor of Statistics and Vision Research, City, University of London

David Crabb is Professor of Statistics and Vision Research at City University London. He gained degrees in Mathematics and Statistics at Oxford and Sheffield before completing a PhD in Visual Science in 1996. Following a post-doctoral position at University College London and a lectureship in Nottingham, he took up his position at City in 2005. Professor Crabb is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, Honorary Consultant in Visual Science at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the leader of the Applied Vision Research Group at City University London. Professor Crabb’s research laboratory contains a lively mixture of vision scientists, ophthalmologists, psychologists, mathematicians and computer scientists. This research laboratory focuses on measurement in vision: visual fields, imaging, visual function, eye movements, quality of life measures, and medical statistics. One of the main themes of his work in glaucoma is relating the different stages in the disease process to patient’s visual disability.


  • –present
    Professor of Statistics and Vision Research, City University London