David Herd works in the area of modern literature, with emphasis on poetry and its relation to questions in politics and philosophy. His books include All Just (Carcanet, 2012), Enthusiast! Essays on Modern American Literature and John Ashbery and American Poetry.
He is currently writing a book on modern poetry and the state of exception, editing a collection of essays on Charles Olson (Contemporary Olson) and his chapbook, Outwith, will come out soon with Bookthug.
His essays and reviews have been widely published in journals, magazines and newspapers.
Recent writings on poetry and politics have appeared in PN Review, Parallax and Almost Island. Alongside Simon Smith he has collaborated with both Jack Hues and The-Quartet on the project ‘Rote-Through’, and with Sam Bailey, Evan Parker and Matt Wright on the project ‘Feedback’. He is a co-founder of the Sounds New Poetry Festival and is the current Head of the School of English.