Dr Reiner is a political scientist and is currently University Senior Lecturer in Technology Policy at Cambridge Judge Business School. David has advised government, industry and non-governmental organisations on energy and environmental policy, with a particular emphasis on the politics of climate change and social license to operate for low-carbon technologies such as carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) as well as public attitudes towards energy and climate including switching in retail energy markets.
David is also Assistant Director of the Energy Policy Research Group, and is a Research Associate of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research and the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, both at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He sits on the CCUS Council chaired by the UK Energy Minister and the steering committee of the International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas Programme's Social Research Network. He has provided both written and oral testimony before the House of Commons Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on Energy and Climate Change and contributed to the World Economic Forum in Davos and Moscow. He is the recipient of research grants from the European Commission, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, Natural Environment Research Council and the Department of Trade and Industry.
Research interests
National climate change policies; social and political acceptability of low-carbon technologies; public views of the subsurface including fracking and carbon capture and storage technologies, energy demand, international environmental negotiations; policy design; public perceptions of energy technologies, regulatory policy; competition policy; science policy and communicating science and technology.