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Associate Professor of Public Affairs, Arizona State University

David Swindell is the director of the Center for Urban Innovation and an associate professor in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. His work focuses primarily on community and economic development, especially public financing of sports facilities, the contribution of sports facilities to the economic development of urban space, collaborative arrangements with public, private, and nonprofit organizations for service delivery, and citizen satisfaction and performance measurement standards for public management and decision making. His forthcoming book "American Cities and the Politics of Party Conventions" (with co-authors Eric Heberlig and Suzanne Leland) arrives in 2017 from SUNY Press. His research has also been published in Public Administration Review, Social Science Quarterly, State and Local Government Review, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Urban Affairs, American Review of Public Administration, Public Productivity and Management Review, Public Administration Quarterly, Journal of Sports Management, Johnson’s "Minor League Baseball and Local Economic Development," Rosentraub’s "Major League Losers," and The Brooking Institution’s "Sports, Jobs, and Taxes." He has testified to federal, state, and local legislative bodies on a range of issues related to community and economic development.

Swindell’s other technical policy studies include alternative financing mechanisms for smart city investments, numerous citizen satisfaction survey reports, models for involving various nonprofits in urban service delivery, various public program evaluations, estimation methodologies for light rail ridership from special event generators, and business retention strategies for local governments.

Swindell is an advocate of the metropolitan mission concept through which the intellectual resources of the university are focused on developing new solutions to the challenges confronting citizens in urbanized areas. Before joining ASU, he served seven years as director of the interdisciplinary doctorate in public policy degree program at the University of North Carolina. Prior to that, he was director of the UNC-Charlotte Master of Public Administration program as well as master's of public adminstration director at Clemson University. Swindell received his doctorate in public policy from Indiana University.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Public Affairs, Arizona State University