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Debabrata Talukdar

Before joining academia in fall of 1998, Talukdar worked as a business strategy and public policy expert in both private and public sector multinational organizations. His primary research and teaching interests lie with economic modeling and empirical analyses of business strategy as well as public policy issues related to the provision of both private and public goods to consumers. The substantive areas of his research works include retail market dynamics, consumer health behavior, consumer and firm decisions under information uncertainty, new product diffusion process, the environment and sustainable development, and urban poverty issues.

Talukdar is the recipient of many research awards including the Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award (1997) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Young Investigator – Exceptional Scholar Award (2002), and the Sustained Research Achievement – Exceptional Scholar Award (2012) from the University at Buffalo.

His research works have been presented and published in various international conferences and leading journals in the areas of economic development and business management like the World Development, Land Economics, Urban Studies, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Applied Statistics, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Retailing, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science. They continue to be widely cited in leading international journals by other scholars from a wide spectrum of academic areas like economics and public policy, management science, computer information system, law, environment, and public health. His research works also have been cited in various international, national and local media outlets like the Associated Press, ABC News, The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, Forbes, Encyclopedia Britannica, Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and Buffalo News.


  • –present
    Professor, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York