For over 30 years Doug has been engaged with issues relating to society and computing. Doug has given presentations all over the world. Doug worked at Boeing for 16 years as a computer professional (specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Supported Cooperative Work). After his time at Boeing, he has been teaching at The Evergreen State College, a progressive liberal arts college, for the past 21 years. He is currently teaching the Global Hunt for Civic Intelligence, a year-long program. Doug is the author of New Community Networks: Wired for Change (Addison-Wesley) and Liberating Voices: A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (MIT Press); co-editor of Participatory Design and 6+ other books; author or co-author of many articles and book chapters. Doug is also former chair of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and a co-founder of the Seattle Community Network, a free public access computer network that first came online in 1994.
Safeco Community Hero award for work on establishing the Seattle Community Network and democracy in cyberspace.