Phillip P. McGarry earned his Ph.D. in experimental psychology (social psychology) with a minor in data science and statistical analysis at the University of Tennessee. His research interests include social categorization, intergroup conflict, moral psychology, psychological distance, political polarization, motivation, and psychological treatments of classical concepts of virtue.
Notable publications include (with G. Shtyenberg, T. L. Hulsey, & A. S. Heim) "The Great Divide: Neither Fairness Nor Kindness Eliminates Moral Derogation of People With Opposing Political Beliefs" in Social Psychological and Personality Science (2024), (with P. J. Hampson & T. L. Hulsey), “Moral Affordance, Moral Expertise, and Virtue” in Theory and Psychology (2021), and (with R. F. Corwyn), “An Expectancy Value Theory Predicts Achievement in Undergraduate Statistics Through Academic Delay of Gratification” in Statistics Education Research Journal (2020).