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Senior research fellow, La Trobe University

Erica is an ARC DECRA fellow. Her current research focuses on the cultural and social contexts of abortion provision.

Erica's first book, Happy Abortions: Our Bodies in the Era of Choice was published by Zed Books in December 2017. The book examines how anti-abortion messages are infused into common ways of talking about abortion. The book has been described by Sinéad Kennedy of the Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment in Ireland as ‘A provocative and important book that every pro-choice advocate should read.’


  • 2019–present
    Lecturer, La Trobe University
  • 2015–2019
    Lecturer, The University of Adelaide


  • 2014 
    The University of Melbourne, PhD
  • 2011 
    The University of Melbourne, MA


  • 2018
    More than Stigma: Counter narratives of abortion (with Barbara Baird), Sexualities
  • 2017
    Feminism, Foetocentrism and the Politics of Abortion Choice in 1970s Australia, Palgrave McMillan
  • 2017
    Happy Abortions: Our Bodies in the Era of Choice, London: Zed Books
  • 2016
    Mourned Choices and Grievable Lives: How the Anti-abortion Movement Came to Define the Abortion Experience’, Gender and History
  • 2015
    Choice-makers or Failures: Providing a Genealogy of Abortion Shame and Shaming, Law & History
  • 2015
    ‘“Too Many”: Anxious White Nationalism and the Biopolitics of Abortion in Contemporary Australian History, Australian Feminist Studies
  • 2014
    Abortion, Selfishness and Happy Objects, Routledge