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Assistant Professor at the Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University

Evronia has a diversified portfolio of working in private and third sector technological organisations, as well as teaching and research in Higher Education in the UK (UCL, and Royal Holloway University of London).

With a background in software engineering, she is broadly interested in how technology can provide innovative and creative solutions for societies’ problems; ICT4D, particularly in contexts where technology can have a paradoxical oppressive role. She is specifically interested in ICTs in collective action, and data privacy and surveillance. She has been awarded the Civil Society Scholar Award from Open Society Foundations for research undertaken by scholars with a proven record of academic excellence, and aiming to develop an open society as a result of their project.

Evronia is currently part of the Data, Organisations and Society research cluster in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS). She is also the Deputy Ethics Lead for the Faculty of Business and Law, with responsibility for CBiS.


  • –present
    Assistant Professor at the Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University


    Royal Holloway University of London, PhD in Technology and Information Management