Fiona Skillen is a lecturer in Sport and Events. Her research interests concern modern history, in particular aspects of sport, gender, politics, social policy, health and changes in popular culture. She is particularly interested in the influence which dominant discourses concerning gender and modernity had on women’s popular culture. Her PhD research focused specifically on the ways in which these discourses impinged on and were negotiated by women who wished to participate in sport within the interwar period.
PhD (2008) Dept of Economic and Social History, University of Glasgow
MPhil (2004) Dept of Economic and Social History, University of Glasgow
MA, Hons (2003) Dept of Economic and Social History, University of Glasgow
Current Research
My current research builds on my PhD research, focusing on women’s participation in sport in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. In addition to this I am also working on projects focusing on the sporting heritage of Glasgow and the history of Scotland’s role in the Commonwealth Games.