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Chair in Paediatric Exercise Science, Swansea University

Head of the Research Centre in Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM).

Sport and Exercise Science is meeting the challenges set by the University by engaging in research, third mission activities and teaching that spans the artificial boundaries between traditional disciplines. Moreover the discipline area has flourished since it was relocated into the College of Engineering.

Swansea University is unique as the only research intensive university in the UK where Sport and Exercise Science is located in Engineering. The College of Engineering houses three world-leading research centres within which Sport and Exercise Science research activity is currently housed.

There are significant synergies between sport and exercise science, technology, engineering and medicine. To further promote these synergies a standalone research centre in Sport and Exercise Science, which reflects the nature of world-class research activity and exploits university strengths, is required.


  • –present
    Chair in Paediatric Exercise Science; Head of the Research Centre in Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM), Swansea University