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Georgia May Nester

PhD candidate, Curtin University

Georgia is currently completing her PhD in molecular ecology at Curtin University (Western Australia). Her PhD focuses on utilising environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques to monitor the marine environment. eDNA refers to any genetic material an organism may leave behind in the environment (water, soil, ice, air). It can be used as a non-invasive method of monitoring ecosystems and the species within them.

Georgia is interested in all things big and small in the marine environment, her current projects use eDNA to characterise: zooplankton diversity from Hobart to Antarctica, the distribution of a critically endangered pipefish in South Africa, and the biodiversity of two deep sea canyons in Ningaloo. Her PhD has involved collaborations with the Australian Antarctic Division, Knysna Basin Project, Western Australian Museum, and Schmidt Ocean Institute. Georgia has a particular interest in statistics and spends a lot of her time trying to find fun ways to show her data (it can be fun…!)


  • –present
    PhD candidate, Curtin University


  • 2018 
    Curtin University, Coastal and Marine Science (First Class Honours)