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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Clinical Psychologist, Flinders University

My broad research interests are in sleep health, circadian rhythms and psychology of sleep disturbances. My research investigates fundamental sleep mechanisms, the underlying causes of sleep disorders and their impact on daytime feelings and functioning. This is in an effort to understand and develop more targeted and effective treatment outcomes, for example with the use of cognitive-behaviour therapy, bright light and melatonin administration.


  • 2016–present
    Postdoctoral research associate, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health


  • 2019 
    Flinders University of South Australia, Master of Psychology (Clinical)
  • 2016 
    Flinders University of South Australia, Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2012 
    Flinders University of South Australia, Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours)
  • 2011 
    Flinders University of South Australia, Bachelor of Behavioural Science