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Guilhem Penent is a Research Associate at the Space Policy Program of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) where he is notably in charge of a project focusing on space governance and the management of orbital resources in an era of interference. Previously, he worked at the Strategic Research Institute of the French Military Academy (IRSEM) as a researcher on space issues, mainly space strategy and American space policy. Mr. Penent is a PhD candidate in political science attached to IRSEM. His background is in international relations theories, foreign policy and political science (Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux, France and University Laval of Québec, Canada). He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in History (University Toulouse-Le- Mirail, France) and has an interest in space applications (International Space University SSP12). He publishes regularly on space topics in French and English-speaking magazines and journals. He is a recipient of the René Mouchotte Award of the French Air Force (2011).


  • –present
    PhD student, IRSEM, France