My work involves researching the complex history of port cities (industrial relations, port management, politics, trade, national and international comparisons etc), and supporting the research activities of the Centre.
I completed my PhD on the history of the Port of London (1900-1939) from Birkbeck, University of London, in 2022. I have written about the history of workplace accidents in the docks and legislation to reduce these risks (Reducing the dangers of dock work in the UK, 1899-1939: How past approaches could prevent future tragedies, Lloyd's Register Foundation, Hindsight Perspectives for a Safer World, Report 2, May 2023), and have compared London’s Great Dock Strike of 1889 with the Australian Maritime Strike of the following year ("Hands across the sea": Strikes, solidarity and diverging outcomes in port cities in Britain and Australia in the late nineteenth century, Coastal Studies & Society, Online First, 2024).